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Supreme Court Cases for AP® Government and Politics

The Supreme Court Cases for AP® Government and Politics video series brings history to life by exploring pivotal rulings that have shaped the United States. Hosted by sitting Federal Judge Douglas Ginsburg, U.S. Court of Appeals, Washington, D.C., this series dives into the stories behind landmark cases that continue to influence American law and government today–perfect for sparking thoughtful classroom discussion.

Supreme Court Cases for AP® Government and Politics – Marbury v. Madison

Supreme Court Cases for AP® Government and Politics – McCulloch v. Maryland

Supreme Court Cases for AP® Government and Politics – Dred Scott v. Sandford

Supreme Court Cases for AP® Government and Politics – Plessy v. Ferguson

Supreme Court Cases for AP® Government and Politics – Schenck v. United States

Supreme Court Cases for AP® Government and Politics – Brown v. Board of Education

Supreme Court Cases for AP® Government and Politics – Baker v. Carr

Supreme Court Cases for AP® Government and Politics – Engel v. Vitale

Supreme Court Cases for AP® Government and Politics – Gideon v. Wainwright

Supreme Court Cases for AP® Government and Politics – Tinker v. Des Moines

Supreme Court Cases for AP® Government and Politics – New York Times v. United States

Supreme Court Cases for AP® Government and Politics – Wisconsin v. Yoder

Supreme Court Cases for AP® Government and Politics – Shaw v. Reno

Supreme Court Cases for AP® Government and Politics – United States v. Lopez

Supreme Court Cases for AP® Government and Politics – Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission

Supreme Court Cases for AP® Government and Politics – McDonald v. Chicago